At the invitation of Enrico Neami (Dojo-cho of Aiki Shuren Dojo Trieste), Volker Hochwald Shihan (6th dan Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shuren Kai, direct student of both Saito Morihiro Sensei and Saito Hitohira Sensei, Dojo-cho of the Aiki Shuren Dojo Stuttgard-Korntal) will lead a koshukai (seminar) of Dento Iwama Ryu Aikido at the gym of Corpo Libero S.S.D. in Ronchi dei Legionari (GO – Italy) on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th May 2025.
he seminar is open to all practitioners of any school/style or grade, as long as in possession of a valid sports insurance cover.
Overnight stay at the dojo is possible (upon request). Enrolment is mandatory and possible until 30th April 2025.
Black belt and hakama may be worn only by yudansha; participants with a kyu grade shall wear keikogi and white belt. Jo, ken and tanken are required.

The event is organised by Iwama Budo Kai a.s.d. and is part of the didactic programme provided as part of the schedule of events celebrating the 20-year anniversary of its establishment, 14th January 2005 – 14th January 2025; the list of events is available at this page.
Timetable and programme
The seminar consists of three main sessions, with the following timetable:
9.30 - 12.30
15.30 - 18.30
9.30 - 12.30
The seminar programme may include open-hand techniques (taijutsu), aikiken, aikijo and disarming (bukidori), which will be taught following the programme and teaching methods of Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shurenkai.
The detailed organisation of each session will be decided upon and readjusted, if needed, at Hochwald Shihan’s discretion.
Participation fee
Attendance to the full koshukai requires payment of a participation fee amounting to € 60. Payment can be done onsite by cash or card upon first arriving at the dojo.
Attendance to single sessions of the koshukai requires payment of a participation fee amounting to € 30 per session. Payment can be done onsite by cash or card upon first arriving at the dojo.
Practitioners staying overnight at the dojo will need to pay a contribution of € 5.00 per person per night, payable only in cash together with the seminar fee.
Enrolment and booking
In order to attend the koshukai, it is mandatory to enrol through the online form by 30 April 2025.
For any enrolments received after 30/04/2025 overnight stay at the dojo will not be possible.
The koshukai will take place in the main martial arts room of the sports centre Corpo Libero in via Roma 15 in Ronchi dei Legionari (GO - Italy); the seminar registration point and main gym will be accessed not from the sports centre main entrance, but from the parking lot in the back (via Roma 35-39, Ronchi dei Legionari).
Overnight stay
It is possible to stay overnight at the dojo on Friday 2nd May or Saturday 3rd May (or both) paying a contribution of € 5.00 per person per night.
In order to stay overnight it is mandatory to enrol online through this form no later than 30th April 2025, specifying when you would like to stay.
Participants who have booked the overnight stay, after paying the participation fee will be able to put their sleeping bag (not provided by the organisers) and bags in the dedicated area, which is going to be a different gym than the one where the koshukai will take place. The overnight stay includes the use of locker rooms, showers and toilets even outside of the training sessions.
HOTEL MAJOR (****) - hotel-major.com
via Pietro Micca 19c - 34077 Ronchi dei Legionari (GO)
(6 minutes from the dojo by car, half-hour with local transport or on foot)
Double room single use: € 79.00
Double room: € 89.00
In order to have access to these prices, please specify when booking that you’re taking part in the seminar, adding in the object "partecipazione stage Aikido".
DOGE INN (**) - dogeinn.com
via della Serenissima 72 - 34077 Ronchi dei Legionari (GO)
(2 minutes from the dojo by car, 10 minutes on foot)
Single room: € 45.00 (only overnight stay)
Double room: € 65.00 (only overnight stay)
(breakfast is not included; bakeries, cafés and restaurants are at walking distance from the hotel)
HOTEL EXCELSIOR (***) - hotelexcelsiormonfalcone.it
via dell'Arena 4 - 34074 Monfalcone (GO)
(10 minutes from the dojo by car)
Single room: € 60.00
Double room single use: € 65.00
Double room: € 90.00
SAM HOTEL (***) - samhotel.it
via Callisto Cosulich 3 - 34074 Monfalcone (GO)
(10 minutes from the dojo by car)
Single room: € 79.00
Double room: € 93.00
HOTEL ITALIA (***) - hotelitalia-go.com
via C.A. Colombo 21 - 34074 Monfalcone (GO)
(15 minutes from the dojo by car)
Single room: € 75.00
Double room: € 100.00
Triple room: € 120.00
Other options for accommodation are available on the main online booking channels and apps.
Photos and video recording
No independent photo or video recording is allowed during the seminar. Any recording will be responsibility of the people appointed by the organisers.
Nonetheless, independent photos may be taken during any group photos or with Hochwald Shihan before or after the training sessions.
For any further information or question, please contact Iwama Budo Kai a.s.d. at info[at]iwamabudokai.net or use the following contact form: